DIY Ideas for the Treatment of Migraines

DIY Ideas for the Treatment of Migranes
June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month so I’m dedicating many of my posts this month to prevention and relief of these excruciating and often debilitating ailments. Today I’m sharing 5 all natural ways to stop, or at least minimize, migraine pain. It’s important that you act quickly the moment you feel a migraine coming on, because it’s easier to stop a migraine or prevent escalation than it is to find relief once you have a full blown migraine.

Treatment of Migraines

1.      Take two Clear Migraine capsules immediately with plenty of filtered, room temperature water. This unique 
blend of homeopathic/herbal ingredients is specifically formulated to relieve pain associated with migraine headaches—safely and effectively—without side effects or dependency. Clear Migraine successfully heads off migraines for many people.

2.      Retreat to a cool, dark, quiet place where you can lay down until symptoms subside. Put a cool, wet washcloth with a couple drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil over your eyes to soothe your senses.

3.      Try hot and/or cold treatments – Try hot or cold washcloth compresses over your forehead and eyes and/or behind your neck. Both have worked for many migraine sufferers. Experiment to see which one works best for you. Some people have found that alternating between to the two for 5-minute increments starting with cold works to effectively relieve their migraine. If hot works best for you, try a hot shower or bath as well. Or if you want to try both at the same time, take a hot bath with a cold compress over your forehead.

4.      Learn Acupressure – Migraines can be relieved by applying pressure using your hands to blocked energy points that are located between the eyebrows, on the web between the thumb and forefinger and big and second toes, on the back of the head behind the ears, and on top of the head. Learn how to use acupressure on yourself to relieve migraine pain.

5.      Have Sex – Or more accurately, have an orgasm. If you’re someone who’s migraines are triggered by sex, you’ll obviously want to avoid this “remedy” when you feel a migraine coming on. However for the rest of you, having an orgasm when you first feel a migraine coming on can relieve the pain. A German study published in the March, 2013 issue of the international journal on headaches called Cephalalgia, found that 60% of study participants found moderate to complete migraine relief through sexual activity. While nobody knows exactly why it works, scientists believe it’s the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

Best in Health!

About the author:

Dr. Stas' Ozog III, Ph.D.(A.M.), L.Ac., Dipl. A & C.H.(NCCAOM


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