5 Easy Ways to Prevent U.T.I.s/Bladder Infections

Herbal UTI Treatment

We all have helpful and harmful bacteria within our body, and U.T.I’s (or bladder infections) are caused by too much harmful bacteria entering the urinary tract. While a healthy immune system can often ward off these debilitating infections, they can be triggered by any number of factors including hormone fluctuations, stress, dehydration, or bacteria from perspiration or feces entering the urinary tract.

Herbal UTI Treatment

One woman who used to suffer from frequent bladder infections told me she would go through phases where she would feel ‘bladdery’ -- or in other words she would constantly feel she was on the verge of getting a U.T.I. Since she started using Clear Cold Sores, Shingles & U.T.I’s when she did get an infection, the frequency, intensity and duration of her U.T.I’s significantly diminished, and whenever she gets the rare bladder infection the formula relieves it right away.  She no longer has to take antibiotics.

Clear Cold Sores,Shingles & U.T.I.s does not work to prevent U.T.I.s but there are a number of fairly easy preventative measures you can take to ward off bladder infections:

1. Stay hydrated and urinate often. Don’t wait when you need to “go.”

2. After sex always urinate as soon as possible and shower if you can

3. Take D Mannose – this simple sugar keeps e coli bacteria, the biggest UTI culprit, from adhering to urethra walls. Taking D Mannose before and after sex and as a preventative during those times you’re feeling ‘bladdery’ will help prevent many bladder infections.

4. Take vitamin C regularly. This helps increase the acidity of your urine, which reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in your urinary tract. 

5. If you’re feeling ‘bladdery’ avoid these foods and beverages that can trigger an infection: alcohol, coffee, tea, citrus fruits, and anything with excessive amounts of sugar.

If you follow these tips and keep Clear Cold Sores, Shingles and U.T.I.s on hand, you may be pleasantly surprised and totally relieved to discover your bladder infections are a problem of the past.

Best in Health!

About the author:
Dr. Stas' Ozog III, Ph.D.(A.M.), L.Ac., Dipl. A & C.H.(NCCAOM), MTOM

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