An Herbal and Homeopathic Approach to Seasonal Allergy Relief

Herbal and Homeopathic Approach to Seasonal Allergy Relief

Herbs have been used for more than 5,000 years and homeopathic remedies for more than 200 years to effectively and safely relieve painful symptoms and restore health and balance within the body. While modern medicine offers many seasonal allergy remedies, they provide only temporary relief or masking of symptoms. Unfortunately many allergy medications also cause uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects ranging from drowsiness to an increase in heart rate.

The term “herb” is used as an all-encompassing term in Traditional Chinese Medicine to include parts of nature used in formulas to relieve uncomfortable or painful symptoms. Effective herbal remedies for allergies contain the right combination of herbs that work together to safely and effectively relieve sinus inflammation and congestion that cause painful allergy headaches, coughing and sneezing, itchy eyes and pressure in the ears.

Homeopathy uses natural remedies made from animal, vegetable and mineral substances that are diluted and shaken vigorously over and over again until the mixture contains no molecular trace of the original matter.  Because homeopathy is  based on the Law of Similars that states “like treats like,” homeopathic remedies start with substances that cause allergic reactions.  The final, minute solution however is safe and gentle, yet powerful and effective in stimulating and assisting the body in healing itself. Homeopathic allergy formulas can help the body build a tolerance to the allergen, therefore reducing future allergic reactions.

Seasonal Allergy

If you are suffering from allergies and are looking for a safe, natural and effective alternative to over-the-counter or prescription medication for seasonal allergy relief, give herbal  and/or homeopathic remedies like Clear Sinus & Ear a try. For other ways to naturally relieve allergy symptoms read this blog post: 5 Surpising Ways To Relieve Your Allergies

About the Author:
Dr. Stas' Ozog, PhD. (AM)
LAc., Dipl A & C.H.(NCCAOM)


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