Cold Sore Remedies and Natural Relief!

Cold Sore Remedies and Natural Relief

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are painful sores on and around the mouth. Cold sores are caused the by herpes simplex virus (HSV), and can last anywhere from a couple days to two weeks. While there is no cure for the virus that causes cold sores, there are a number of ways to reduce the duration, pain, unsightliness and recurrence of cold sores and fever blisters.

1. Clear Cold Sores, Shingles and U.T.I.’s – This formula containing a unique proprietary blend of Chinese herbs is formulated to work in combination with active homeopathic ingredients to provide safe and effective relief from cold sores. This gentle, yet powerful formula gives you the added benefit of preventing and minimizing the intensity of future cold sore outbreaks while supporting the natural balance of the body. Take two capsules three times per day for two weeks, even after symptoms subside. Kids can be given half doses.

2. Lysine – This essential amino acid that the body doesn’t make on it’s own is necessary in the production of proteins needed for their infection and virus fighting antibodies. When you feel a cold sore coming on take lysine supplements three times per day and avoid foods containing high amounts of arginine such as chocolate, nuts and seeds that inhibit the absorption of lysine.

3. Lemon Balm – Lemon balm cream contains natural virus fighting substances that have been shown to reduce the severity, length and even recurrence of cold sores.

Best in Health!

About the author:
Dr. Stas' Ozog III, Ph.D.(A.M.), L.Ac., Dipl. A & C.H.(NCCAOM), MTOM


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