Goji Berry Benefits and History

Gogi Berry Benefits

Go Ahead, Spice Up Your Life!


The Goji berry or Lycii berry is native to China, Tibet and Mongolia and has a long and illustrious history dating back 6,000 years.  It is also known as wolfberry, matrimony vine, Lycium chinense, or Lycium barbarum and has been known throughout Asia as one of the most nutrient rich foods.  Today it is considered to be the most nutritionally dense fruit on Earth.  It is a bright orange-red berry, about the size of a raisin, and has a slight sweet and tart flavor.  Some say it is a cross between cherries and raspberries or raisins with a hint of lemon.  It belongs in the family Solanaceae, also known as nightshade, which includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, chili pepper, and tobacco. 

Goji berries are naturally found growing wild in remote, fertile valleys.  This berry comes from a shrub with vines that can grow up to fifteen feet.  This plant grows in extremely harsh climates and these micro-niche areas are partially responsible for the plants hardiness and potency.  These plants make more nutrients to protect themselves from the harsh environment and to stay healthier and stronger.  The Goji berry is also known to be a very powerful and effective adaptogen.

Although the Goji berry has only been introduced in Western countries in recent years, in Asia it has been used in native cuisine for centuries for its unique flavor.  Medicinally the Goji berry, sprouts, leaves, and root bark are used for its health benefits.  In the Shen Nong’s Materia Medica, China’s first herbal encyclopedia written in the 1st century B.C., it states the Goji berry was classified as a “superior tonic”.

Gogi Berry Benefits


Also known as the “longevity fruit”, the Goji berry has a long medical history in China and Tibet.  Both plant and fruit are used in treating and maintaining a wide variety of health issues including eye problems, skin rashes, psoriasis, menopause, fevers, allergies, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, chronic liver and kidney disease, diabetes, fatigue, circulation, and cleansing the blood.  This remarkable berry has been used to increase longevity, boost the immune system, and as a general health strengthening tonic for thousands of years. 

Unique among fruits, this nutritious berry contains 18 amino acids, eight of which the body does not produce and are essential for life.  Goji berries also have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit.  They contain vitamins A, B-complex, E, and more vitamin C than oranges, more carotenoids (including beta carotene and lycopene) than any other food, have twenty-one trace minerals, and are high in fiber.  Boasting 15 times the amount of iron found in spinach, they also contain calcium, zinc, selenium and many other important trace minerals. In addition they are loaded with phytonutrients and are classified as an adaptogen.

Goji berries contain 8 unique compounds known as polysaccharides. Four of these compounds are no longer present in any other food.  It has been shown that these compounds enhance the body’s ability to resist disease.  Another unique polysaccharide has the potential ability to stimulate the pituitary gland to increase its secretion of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), the Master Hormone in our bodies.  HGH has been shown to reduce body fat, improve sleep and memory, speed up the healing process after an illness, improve libido, and the ability to slow down and sometimes reverse symptoms of aging.

This amazing little super fruit is the highest rated antioxidant food in the world based on the ORAC Chart of Fruits, Vegetables, and Essential Oils.  Antioxidants minimize cell damage from free radicals.   This berry contains natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.  It has also been shown to help normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, support the eyes, and relieves stress.

Research on the medicinal and nutritive properties of this legendary plant is being conducted worldwide.  Scientific studies have shown that Goji Berries increase levels of testosterone in the blood, thereby increasing libido in both men and women.  It has been shown the Goji plant is one of the few plants on Earth which contains the anti-cancer mineral germanium, which helps suppress cancer cells.  Other studies have shown this nutritional berry to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, benefit athletic performance, fights inflammation and arthritis, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve digestion, memory, and eye sight.   Also, this berry helps our bodies produce choline, which is an essential nutrient that fight free radical damage linked to Alzheimer’s disease.  It is no wonder why this berry is classified as “super tonic” and is used as an immune and blood tonic.

It’s important to note that you should avoid Goji berries if you’re pregnant or breast feeding.  Caution should be used if you’re taking a blood thinner or medication for high blood pressure or diabetes.  If you are sensitive to nightshades discuss with your health care professional about trying Goji berries.

Goji / Lycii berries are used in Clear Migraine® for dizziness, blurred vision, visual acuity, and to nourish and tonify the blood.  Goji / Lycii berries are used in Clear Skin, Hair, & Nails™ for their high anti-oxidant, vitamin and mineral levels as well as to strengthen the immune system, and to moisturize the body.  Goji / Lycii bark is used in Clear Menopause™ for night sweats, low-grade fever, irritability, and thirst.


Goji berries are fast becoming a delicious addition to many dishes, drinks and desserts around the world.

Besides eating dried goji berries, traditionally they were often added to chicken, pork, or vegetable soups, rice congees, teas, and jellies.  Today the use of this remarkable berry is left up to your imagination and creation.

Goji berries are great just as a snack food.  Try adding them to cereal, mix with yogurt, or include them in granola, trail mix, or energy bars.  Add a surprising twist to a salad with the addition of this berry.  A handful or two will add another level of flavor to stews or to your favorite soup.  In baking substitute them for raisins or cranberries in cookies, cupcakes, pies, biscuits, sconces, or cakes.  When you make a blended fruit drink, don’t forget to also add some Goji berries.  You can also add this nutritional berry to cranberry sauce, jams, or relishes.  

Some wines are now being produced containing just Goji berries or a combination blend of grapes and Goji berries.

Go Ahead, Spice Up Your Life and share your favorite Goji berry recipe with us.

Best in Health!

About the author:
Dr. Stas' Ozog III, Ph.D.(A.M.), L.Ac., Dipl. A & C.H.(NCCAOM), MTOM


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