Naturally Boost Your Immunity for Cold and Flu Season

Naturally Boost Your Immunity for Cold and Flu Season

With all the harmful elements we’re exposed to these days ranging from toxins to drug resistant superbugs to the common cold and flu, it’s more important than ever to build and maintain a strong immune system. As cold and flu season approaches, here are some tips to naturally get your immune system in tip-top shape so you can avoid those bugs, or at least minimize your misery and downtime if you happen to “catch” one. 

1. Take the herbal and homeopathic approach – Clear Immune Support contains a unique blend of Chinese herbs formulated to work in combination with active homeopathic ingredients to provide a safe and effective way to build the immune system to protect against external attacks on the body such as the common cold or flu. With ingredients like Astragulus Root, Echinacea  and Goldenseal Root, Clear Immune Support is a safe and gentle yet powerful way to support a strong and healthy immune system throughout the cold and flu season.

2. Eat More of This – Add more of these immune boosting (and delicious) foods and spices into your meals: black pepper, fresh garlic, tahini (sesame paste), cinnamon, turmeric, wild blueberries, oats, shitake/maitake/reishi mushrooms, onion, hot pepper, pumpkin, spinach, fish, yogurt and beans.

3. Eat Less of That – Maybe it’s not realistic for you to cut out all immune busters, but even cutting back on them and replacing them with healthy items like those listed above will help. Immune busters include: foods with added sugar, processed foods, foods with artificial ingredients, and deep fried, fatty foods.

4. Drink More of This – Plenty of water will keep your system hydrated and flushed, while organic green or black tea will deliver immune powerful immune boosting benefits.

5. Drink Less of That – These beverages can all weaken your immune system: soda, alcohol and fruit juices with added sugar. If you don’t want to miss out on happy hour, limit yourself to two drinks and have a club soda with fresh lemon for spacers. 

6. Supplement – It’s often hard to get as many vitamins and nutrients as you need from foods, so make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamins C and D, zinc and probiotics. They will help keep your immune system in tip-top shape.

7. Hit the Sack – One of the most important things you can do to build a healthy immune system is to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night starting by at least 10:00pm. This is when your body repairs and restores itself. Lack of sleep or staying up too late can suppress the immune system -- and your sanity!

8. Stress Less – Stress, anxiety, guilt and anger can wreak havoc on the immune system, making one susceptible to all kinds of ailments including the common cold and flu. No matter how hectic your life gets, keep perspective by realizing how important it is to maintain good health. If you don’t feel well, you don’t live well.

9. Exercise – Find exercises you enjoy and that make you feel good. Exercise improves circulation and oxygen flow, helps you sweat out all those toxins, and helps ward off harmful bugs.

Best in Health!

About the author:
Dr. Stas' Ozog III, Ph.D.(A.M.), L.Ac., Dipl. A & C.H.(NCCAOM), MTOM



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